Saturday, February 25, 2012


... in which the sum of our ideas is by far greater than its parts.

*Now our dinner is perhaps not the most fascinating of subjects and we have been warned about the dangers of naval gazing while blogging. Well sir, I say that comes down to the quality of one's naval.

~ Ben, how MUCH cider did you drink?

* Ummm... just a bottle and a half.

~We only bought one.


~ Today, we largely took the day off. We got up reasonably late (around 830), had a leisurely breakfast, showered, did a few useful things, and reconvened for knocking off for the afternoon. And thus we found ourselves wandering around downtown exploring the town as newbies in town not wearing interview clothes and carrying resumes for the first time since... well, since we got here, I think. It was entirely pleasant. There were many interesting shops, an artists market, and so forth. But let us arrive expeditiously at the matter of dinner.

In which we had an excellent idea.

*The conversation: Me- "It's getting to be dinnertime."
Karen - "Yep. What do you want?"
Me - "We could do fruit and cheese"
Karen - "We could..."
Me - "But?"
Karen - "I have the munchies."
Me - "Kebabs and cider?"
Karen - "Much better."

~ He's leaving out that kebabs and cider were totally my idea, but having a serious case of the munchies (it's only due to his willpower that we escaped the grocery store with yogurt, fruit, cheese, and milk instead of timtams, doritos, and soda) I left the dinner decisions up to Ben. However, with a wisdom beyond his young years, Ben realized the excellence of the fruit and cheese PLUS kebabs and cider plan, and such it was that our kiwis, tasty cheese (yes, they really do sell Australian cheese in tasty and extra tasty), and other groceries marched to the liquor store for some apple cider then across the street to buy a doner kebab to split.

~ An aside about Australian cheese: It actually is tasty. Like, really, really, tasty. Tastier than American cheese. Yes, Brendan, we are willing to concede at this point that Australian food does have an absurd amount of flavor. Kraft here is GOOD.

~ An aside about Kebabs - a "doner" kebab is a shaved meat mix of lamb and beef. Also known as crack meat, it happily satisfies the dinner needs, munchies, and soul food desires of a large section of the world.

*This meal, coupled with Huey Lewis and News...

~Nooo, it was Frank Sinatra over dinner. It's Huey Lewis now, and over the post-dinner hands of gin rummy.

*This meal, coupled with excellent music, made for a perfect first Saturday in Byron celebration.

~ As if we needed a reason. We were actually going to do dinner on the beach, coupled with a long, healthful walk. However, it started raining between the liquor store and the kebab place. This seemed like sufficient reason to return with our delectables to the hostel to recharge Plucky (our netbook) over dinner and gin rummy until it is juiced up enough to go somewhere comfy and watch a movie.

*Tarzan here we come!


* (in a conspiratorial whisper) Tarzan's war cry, in case that got lost in translation

~Shut up, you, that was a perfect recreation.

*In short, Strongbow is good cider.

PS - The sum total of our dinner dishes:: one Swiss army knife. Awesome.

PPS - And for dessert, some drunk guy just came around offering a box of chocolate candies in a box that said "Malteses" and which appeared to be Whoppers. Retrospectively, I'm pretty sure they were chocolate dipped dog kibbles.

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